Digital Savvy

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Highlights of Hootsuite Research on posting business trends in social media - appears working folks are not getting up early to post on social media. They are more likely to use Twitter and Facebook socially in the evenings - maybe keep up with their kids?  They are not heavy after hour users on social media which to me is a hopeful sign they are spending more time with their family and friends. This is mostly about enterprise-level businesses and trends for SBM are not referenced in this study.

If you're a B2B company and not using Twitter much, join the crowd. B2C companies dominate and have the followers to prove it - find telecom on Twitter and household products on Facebook, but you knew that, right?

As I have said before it is best to always TEST what you are doing with social media and develop benchmarks based on your results. 

Ruth Ann Barrett, Portland, Oregon, August 22, 2019

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