Digital Savvy

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Email + Phone = Higher Conversion Rates

A recent report from Leads360 as reported in Center for Media Research's Brief, reinforces what every lead generation professional knows:  follow up on your responses to email with a phone call. This report suggests you do it "within a minute of lead generation" because it can increase the likelihood of conversion by nearly 400%."

Prospect Database
"The use of email in addition to phone outreach has a positive impact on the ability to contact and ultimately convert a prospect." Makes having an email address with a telephone number in your prospect database rather important, doesn't it?

Here's a summary of significant findings covered in the Brief:

Speed-to-call is the most significant driver of conversion rates. making a call attempt with in a minute of receiving a lead increases conversion rates by 391%;

Calling inquiries up to six times prior to making contact is the best way to achieve optimal conversion rates. 93% of all leads that convert are contacted in six or fewer calls;

Conversion rates can be further increased by properly timing contact attempts. An average gain of 49% in conversion can be achieved with the recommended call timing; and

Leads that are sent email messages, in between phone contact attempts, have a 16% higher chance to be connected by phone, and average a gain of 53% in conversion with recommended email timing
Combining the higest performing phone and email strategies can result in a conversion gain of 128%.

Ruth Ann Barrett, RED Digital Marketing, December 11, 2012, Portland, Oregon.


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