Digital Savvy

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Educating Rita: Email Open Rates

A client, Rita, has open rates of 45% + and thinks, wow that's low.  Here is some information you should use to educate your clients. To download the full report, Email Marketing Metrics Report, go to MailerMailer.

"In list sizes between 25-499, Real-Estate (35.3%), Religious (34.6%) and Non-Profit (32.4%) had the highest email open rates. Industries sending emails to 500-999 list members with the highest email open rates included Education (32%), Retail (29.7%) and Wholesale (27.7%). Finally, the Transportation (17.6%), Non-Profit (14.8%) and Large Business (14.4%) industries were among the highest email open rates with list sizes exceeding 1,000 subscribers."

This list size is considered more effective as these "lists tend to be more targeted and relevant to the recipients allowing email open rates to be a higher when compared to considerably larger lists."

And as to when to send that email...(1AM to 5AM)
Email messages that are scheduled to be delivered very early in the morning generate comparatively high open and click rates.

With all the talk about social media, there is this observation from the Center for Media Research which references the mailermailer report: "Instead of replacing email, however, social media has become an ally, joining forces with email marketing to provide consumers with yet another way to engage with the companies."

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